Latest reviews of wood carving tools
How to Stain Wood [Guide 2023]
Wood Working Guides 15.06.2021 0
Even though staining wood is not something all woodcarvers do, sometimes this is a good way to add an extra glow to your project in the end. It is not difficult to learn how to stain wood properly, but these few more hours you spend working on your project... Read more
What is relief carving?
Wood carving Guides 15.06.2021 0
If you are looking for a new hobby and wondering what to do at home in quarantine coronavirus has caused, relief carving might just be the right choice for you. Relief wood carving is an artistic craft of creating beautiful shapes on a flat wooden panel. Final projects of... Read more
Staining can be a messy process, and it can happen that you either spill some paint on your work desk or use a little too much on your project. Also, when the time comes to repaint and freshen up your wooden surfaces, it can be useful to remove old... Read more
Wood carving techniques vary and differ in the toolset required to perform each of them and what the end result of your carving should be. The general difference can be made between projects that create a sculpture and projects that are leveled on a wood panel such as relief... Read more
Wood carving is a hobby that requires razor-sharp blades at all times. Whether you are a professional or a beginner, the cutting edge of your blade needs to be sharpened regularly and properly. Dull blades can be very dangerous and cause a series of injuries due to the pressure... Read more
Bench sanders are very useful tools for woodworkers to have in their workshops. These machines enable you to sand the wooden surfaces of your project easily. They have a heavy base and are not portable, but the best benchtop sanders are very powerful and there lies their value. After... Read more
A company in the U.S. produces ecological material from the remains of abandoned wooden buildings
Wood Working News 08.06.2021 0
U.S.-based startup Baltimore Wood Project recycles abandoned buildings and turns them into environment-friendly wood, Waste Advantage Magazine reports. The company collects wood waste from old buildings, then dries, treats, and sorts it, to prepare it for reuse. This material is called urban or ecological wood and can be used... Read more
In woodworking and wood carving, there is only so much basic sandpaper can do. For me, sanding is a meditative process, but sometimes when I wish to make the best of my finish at the end of the project, I prefer power sanders. To choose the best belt sanders... Read more
As someone who really enjoys woodworking and wood carving, I find scroll saws to be essential in most of my projects. These professional tools help me make clean cuts when I need to craft a specific shape out of my woodblock, and the best part is that they make... Read more