Purpose and Types of WoodWorking Clamps Purpose and Types of WoodWorking Clamps
Contents hide Types of Clamps for WoodWorking C-clamp Spring clamps Bench Clamp Bar Clamp FAQs There are many reasons why a woodworker needs a... Purpose and Types of WoodWorking Clamps

There are many reasons why a woodworker needs a pair of clamps in the workshop. Clamps will help you keep a wooden block in place while relief carving, whittling, engraving, or wood-burning. Wood clamps are an important tool when you are painting and staining wood, they will keep your work still and allow you more control over each project.

However, clamps are most commonly used to hold the wood pieces together after gluing. You can adjust the pressure and let the glue dry properly with these little helpers.

Types of Clamps for WoodWorking

woodworking clamps

Different woodworkers would say there are up to 40 types of clamps for wood. There are clamps that operate under a screw principle and a clip principle. These two are the most common types, and you will choose between them based on the size of your project that needs to be pressed, and the amount of pressure.



Is a small, c-shaped clamp, also known as a carriage clamp. These clamps are useful when you need to add pressure to multiple points simultaneously, and they are usually really strong. There are further divisions among C-clamps depending on the release and the throat depth, and you will combine several in your project most often.

Spring clamps

spring clamps

Are clip-based clamps, and they can apply solid pressure. They are also small and portable, just like C-clamps, and they will help you hold two pieces of wood together as if you caught them with your fingers. They are very easy to use and quick to release.

Bench Clamp

bench clamp

Is the main kind of clamp when you need to fix your work onto your work desk. They are usually screwed into your desk and you would use these tools in relief carving or decorating a wooden block, but also for painting and polishing your surfaces.

Bar Clamp

bar clamp

Is like a c-clamp, only extended to the length of a bar. Bar clamps can have a deep throat for larger projects, they are lightweight and easy to adapt to your project. Some are also trigger-activated, which makes your work smoother and faster.

With a design similar to a bar clamp, pipe clamps are bigger and stronger, for large woodworking projects. Other clamps are more specific when it comes to the positions they need to be adapted. Here we have corner clamps, miter clamps, and locking clamps, used for specific needs. Quick action clamp is also among them, a small and practical tool for prompt application. Another very specific tool among wood clamps for professional wood carving are strap clamps, which can have large straps to help you hold your work together while transporting it, for example.


What are the types of clamps?

Most common types of clamps are designed either as screw clamps or clip clamps. An average woodworking workshop has a few c-clamps, bar clamps, and a bench clamp fixed onto a work desk. Spring clamps or quick-action clamps are always good to have around whenever you need an extra pair of hands.

What are the best types of clamps for woodworking?

You should choose the best clamps for woodworking according to the type of projects you are usually working on. If you are in the frame-building business, you will need several corner clamps, for example, for holding the glued joints together. Several c-clamps are always recommended and spring clamps should be on your desk for quick interventions.

What are clamps used for?

Camps are used for holding two pieces of wood pressed together, or to push a wood panel into your desk as you perform carving or burning on top of it. You would need clamps for gluing the joints of your project, and to lift and hold your wood blocks until the wood stain dries when painting. In general, whenever you need an extra pair of hands to hold your work for you.

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Jeff Richardson Editor

Passionate about wood carving since high school. Always been able to relax while carving. 7 years ago, I decided to dedicate my whole time to wood carving; this is when I started my blog. I am a fan of DIY, fitness, and crafts. Also, I love to spend time with my friends, carving something out of wood. I hope you enjoy my articles.

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